We’ve been working hard behind the scenes on updating our stockist finder, and we’re pleased to share that the new and improved version is now here!

Want to find out where you can stock up on our award-winning bacon? Or maybe you’ve got a craving for a Veggie Breakfast Pack? No problem!

How to use

While our stockist finder previously only showed which retailers stock Simon Howie products in general, you can now filter your search specifically by location to identify stockists near you. Simply input your postcode or town, select the range you want to find, and hit go. You can then choose the product you have in mind from the drop-down menu below, or the interactive slider, and your nearest stores will display on the map. Easy as steak pie!

Seasonal and limited-time stockists

While the majority of our products are widely available in supermarkets across Scotland, our Original Haggis and Wee Black Pudding are available nationwide from Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons. We also have bacon, white pudding and sliced black pudding available to buy from selected stores in England.

We often get queries about our seasonal products such as our BBQ range, or additional haggis stockists over the month of January for Burns Night. We are of course happy to answer any queries, but these updates mean that our stockist finder can now help you with this too! Supermarkets change their ranges every so often, which may mean extra stores start to stock our products, or some may stop for a time, but we will keep the list updated with these changes as they happen.

Additional stores nationwide may also choose to stock our products for short periods, so keep an eye out for these offers too! Limited-time stockists will be clearly marked so you know how long you have to pop to the shops and stock up.

The legal bit…

Please note that we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of results of our stockist finder. Each store has the ability to make local stocking decisions that we may not be aware of straight away, so while we will endeavour to keep it updated, our stockist finder should be used as a guide only.

Give it a try at the link and discover which Simon Howie favourites are available near you!