While the process to get to the 30th July 2024, the day the turbine would start to be delivered, had not been without its challenges the delivery and installation week went pretty much without a hitch thanks to the expertise of Business in Wind and the support and understanding of the local Dunning Community.

Tuesday 30th: Branded hub sections and turbine generator (3 x wide loads) were first to arrive and tackle the tight corners within the village centre.

Wednesday 31st: The large 750-tonne crane needed to install the turbine arrived in the morning. The 4m wide bottom section of the tower arrived safely in the afternoon.

The blades are delayed slightly and do not start to arrive until after midnight adding darkness to the challenges the drivers faced. Each blade is 35m long and as the community line the street to witness this incredible feat of logistics and engineering all three blades are delivered to site without issue.

Thursday 1st August: More tower sections are delivered, empty trucks leave the site and construction starts. By the end of Thursday, the tower is fully assembled with the hub sitting proudly on top.

Friday 2nd August: While the weather had been kind all week the wind picked up too much to install the blades as planned. The blades were all assembled on the ground ready to be lifted into place first thing in the morning – weather allowing.

Saturday 3rd August: Blades lifted and connected by 10am!

Watching the delivery and installation of the wind turbine will be something the business and local community will never forget. While Business in Wind delivered a perfectly executed project we know it was not without its inconvenience to the local community. As a way of thanking them for their patience over the week and also throughout the year of planning Simon Howie made a £10,000 donation to CHAS (Children’s Hospices Across Scotland) in the name of the people and community of Dunning.