Simon Howie achieves fifth spot as Scotland’s most chosen Scottish brand for the first time
Kantar’s 2024 Scotland Brand Footprint reveals Scottish shoppers’ preference.

Simon Howie, the Scottish butcher, has achieved the fifth spot as Scotland’s most chosen Scottish brand, according to the 2024 Kantar Scotland Brand Footprint report. The report reveals the ranking of shoppers’ most chosen food and drink brands over the past year.
Simon Howie’s entry into the top five most chosen Scottish brands rankings this year was due to its investment in innovations like smoked medallions, gastro burgers, and devil dogs, which bring more indulgent options to Scottish consumers. These ranges helped it move up one position to break into the top five for the first time.

Simon Howie commented “We are delighted to have moved up another place and to now be in the Top 5 for the first time. Producing our wide range of products can have its challenges but results like this make it all worthwhile as we see that customers appreciate the choice we provide them, as they buy our brand and buy our products more and more often. The team works hard to always maintain the quality of our core products, while also innovating new NPD to surprise and delight. I think it is this combination that keeps us relevant to and trusted by our growing consumer base.”

The top five most chosen Scottish brands in Scotland play a significant role in the lives of Scottish households. Simon Howie has entered the top five ranking for the first time ever, topped by Irn Bru in first place, Graham’s The Family Dairy in second, Tunnock’s in third and Bell’s Food Group in fourth place.

“The sustained strength of Scotland’s top five brands highlights that building a brand is a long-term effort. Each brand’s growth narrative shares a common theme: attracting more customers by offering them more reasons and opportunities to make purchases. Establishing this positive cycle of increased shopper engagement, sales and in-store visibility requires time, a clear strategy and significant investment. Notably, brands in Scotland outperform those in Great Britain when compared to own-label products, maintaining a significant presence in shoppers’ baskets,” comments Lesley Ann Gray, Kantar’s Worldpanel Strategic Insight Director.

Kantar’s Brand Footprint ranking reveals how consumers around the world are buying FMCG brands today, highlighting the opportunities that remain for brands to improve their position. The metric used in the study, known as Consumer Reach Points (CRP), takes into account a brand’s penetration and frequency, as well as the number of households in the country. CRPs provide the most comprehensive measurement available of how often a brand is selected from retailers’ shelves. The data in this report covers the 52-week period ending in October 2023.

Read the report.