Our limited edition Chocolate Haggis Dessert was only available in the run up to Burns 2024 and is no longer available to purchase. Sorry to disappoint.
Is it even Christmas without some Simon Howie bon bons and pigs in blankets?! We are pleased to announce our Christmas trimmings range is now go in supermarkets across Scotland!
Hopefully, it’s ours as we know our BEEF. Farmers for generations before becoming award-winning craft butchers. Don’t make a huge missed steak, cook up some BEEFY tonight!
Smoked Streaky Beefy Bacon
Extraordinary Beef Bacon
High in Protein and Low in Fat
Only 20 calories per rasher!
Beef Bacon Medallions
Extraordinary Beef Bacon Medallions.
As quick and as easy as cooking up a bacon sarnie but with beef!